Arte Careyes Film Festival

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Careyes-Film & Arts proudly celebrated its first edition in January 2011, with a very particular mix of elements: a festival of the arts, with film as its main focus, that seeks to experiment with the combination and pairing of various art forms.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Rafael Marín programmed and presented a wide selection of short films by Latin American directors; and Geovana Ibarra curated an exhibition that presented the work of contemporary artists, making up the cultural agenda for the first edition of ARTE CAREYES.

The art pieces exhibited were auctioned in order to support two different Mexican foundations each committed to their fields: Fondo para la paz (Peace Fund), a private institution which provides social support to help rural indigenous communities in extreme poverty to prosper, and Selva Negra (Black Forest), an organization that merges environmental conservation with conscious social development.

In addition to the cultural agenda, the festival hosted several social events that merged Costa Careyes´ exotic lifestyle with the Latin American cinematic, music and art proposals, creating Mexico´s first unique artistic experience.

The winning short films received a film camera by SONY, 10% of the funds collected through the art auction, and thanks to Screencast, the screening of their films in Cinepolis and Cinemex movie theaters in Mexico.

2011 ARTE CAREYES was supported by GRUPO EXPANSIÓN, ART NEXUS, ZONA MACO, HOTEL EL CAREYES, TALLER MEXICO, NETA COMUNICACIONES, COLOURS, BEEPRO, CANDELARIA and LAS BELLAS ARTES; and was sponsored by AMG Mercedes-Benz, Tequila Patrón, Cervecería Corona, Sony, Smart Water, and Vitamin Water.

ARTE CAREYES aims to become a reference point for the international cultural scene, with the goal of finding new spaces in which to further experiment. Future editions seek to find new pairings of the film experience with other approaches such as fashion, gastronomy, architecture and other arts that might emerge.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][dfd_heading style=”style_01″ title_font_options=”tag:h5″ subtitle_font_options=”tag:h3″]

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